Avoid These Mishaps That Shorten Your Fridge’s Life

Though people have been trying to keep perishable foods cool for hundreds of years, the modern refrigerator is a relatively recent invention. It’s nearly impossible to imagine how people got on without it. Besides being irreplaceable, modern refrigerators are also pricey. With that in mind, it’s important to avoid these mishaps that can shorten a […]
The Ultimate Outline to Determine If Food Is Safe to Consume

Is your frozen food safe to eat? That depends on the freezer temperature and storage method. Additionally, it depends on how long it’s been in the freezer and how proactive you were in freezing foods after thawing or cooking them. If you are unsure, use this outline to guide you. What Is the Best Temperature? […]
Safety First: Installing Gas Appliances in Your Home

Installing Gas Appliances in Your Home the Safe Way When ticking off all items on your home improvement list, there’s no better feeling than crossing off “install a gas appliance” and relishing the glow of accomplishment. But before you get too excited, it’s important to make sure that you take all of the necessary precautions. […]